

The Johns Hopkins University Department of 皮肤病学 is pleased to offer a research fellowship in its Cutaneous Translational 研究 Program (CTReP). This fellowship provides an opportunity for trainees to acquire comprehensive exposure and experience in clinical and translational dermatologic research. Fellows will work closely with our expert clinical and research faculty in a wide variety of research areas including, 但不限于, 医学皮肤, 皮肤免疫学, 移植的皮肤, 小儿皮肤病, 程序上的皮肤, 光医学, 流行病学, 皮肤成像. 研究员将协助制定和实施临床和转化研究的协议, 与机构审查委员会(IRB)和其他监管机构或资助机构合作, 招募参与者并进行研究访问, 培养数据收集和分析的技能. 研究员应积极参与CTReP的研究活动, 在奖学金期间发表学术研究文章, 至少做一次科学演示.

奖学金期限: 这是一个一到两年的双方协议的奖学金. 每个指定的任期从7月1日到6月30日,或根据协议.


The Johns Hopkins University Department of 皮肤病学 皮肤淋巴瘤奖学金计划 offers a unique and broad clinical and research experience across the disciplines of cutaneous oncology including cutaneous lymphoma, 黑素瘤, 皮肤癌的高风险/免疫功能低下(实体器官移植患者)和, 支持oncodermatology. 研究员将与我们的专家临床医生和内科科学家一起工作, 获得临床和转化研究的技能. The clinical fellows are expected to productively participate in the clinical and translational research activities of the Department of 皮肤病学, publish scholarly clinical research articles during their fellowship 至少做一次科学演示. 研究员将协助制定临床研究方案, 与院校审查委员会(IRB)合作, 招募研究患者, 进行研究访问, 学习/提高数据管理技能. 研究员还将与病理学互动, 肿瘤和移植团队在多学科推荐十大正规网赌平台护理. 他们将与基础科学家一起进行转化研究项目. Fellows will have the opportunity for organizational leadership role in organizing local cutaneous oncology meetings.

持续时间: 这是一个一到两年的双方协议的奖学金. 每个指定的任期从7月1日到6月30日,或根据协议.


This one year ACGME-accredited fellowship program in 皮肤病理学 is designed to for fellows who are board eligible or board certified in Pathology or 皮肤病学. Two ACGME accredited fellowship appointments are available with one fully- funded position available per year. The caseload is comprised of routine cases generated from 约翰霍普金斯皮肤科 and other Hopkins clinics and consults from outside practices, 无论是国内还是国际. There are three full time faculty and three part time faculty with additional expertise in immunofluorescence and oral pathology. The location of the 皮肤病理学 Division in the Department of 皮肤病学 affords routine clinical/patient interaction.

受过病理学训练的研究员将在约翰霍普金斯大学的皮肤科诊所度过一段时间, 包括儿科, 外科手术, 以及医疗专科诊所. 受过皮肤病学培训的研究员将在不同的病理专科进行轮转, 包括外科病理, hematopathology, 细胞病理学和分子病理学. 该奖学金旨在提供分级临床责任. 研究和教学是奖学金不可分割的一部分. 该研究员将负责定期教授皮肤科和病理学住院医师, 并出席多学科肿瘤委员会和皮肤科临床会议. The fellow will also participate in clinical and experimental research with potential for interdepartmental collaboration and presentation at national meetings.


因为这个国家缺乏皮肤科医生, 尤其是皮肤科医生, 现在比以往任何时候都更需要增加培训机会. 再加上有证据表明,在服务不足的地区,短缺情况更为严重, the Johns Hopkins Department of 皮肤病学 developed the 民族的皮肤 Fellowship Program to help address that need. 我们的种族皮肤奖学金计划仍然是美国唯一的一个, 并且取得了巨大的成功, 在过去的5年里呈指数级增长. 每年, we have one research fellow who devotes their time studying diseases that disproportionately impact ethnic minorities.

今年,我们也在增加 给一名轮岗医科学生的多元化见习员, 这一奖项将颁发给来自医学领域代表性不足群体的学生(非裔美国人, 西班牙裔美国人, 和印第安人),他们也有经济困难.


The Johns Hopkins 痒 Fellowship is a 1-2 year clinical and translational research training program focusing on the pathogenesis and treatment of chronic itch. 这包括管理复杂的炎症性皮肤病,如特应性皮炎, 痒疹nodularis, 牛皮癣, 还有不明原因的慢性瘙痒. The itch fellow also leads patient-centered original research identifying novel itch biomarkers and therapeutic targets.


The 儿童皮肤流行病学研究 Fellowship is a 1- to 2-year research training program focused on epidemiological and patient-oriented research in pediatric skin disease. Pre- or post-doctoral fellows interested in investigative careers in 小儿皮肤病 are encouraged to apply. 有使用Stata进行统计分析的经验, R, 或类似课程优先,但不是必需的.


Our 小儿皮肤病 fellowship provides exceptional training in all aspects of medical and 程序上的皮肤 in children and adolescents. Our fellows are exposed to a wide range of common as well as rare dermatologic conditions from newborns to young adults. We care for patients both in our local community as well as patients who travel to Johns Hopkins seeking specialty care in 小儿皮肤病 from out of state and internationally. We provide services in our outpatient clinics at the David Rubenstein Child 健康 building (home of the world renowned Harriet Lane Clinic), 以及我们的绿泉站. We also serve as consultants for an active inpatient pediatric service at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

该研究员还将定期参加多学科诊所和会议, 如在血管异常和烧伤的后期效应. 全面的程序训练包括深入接触脉冲染料, Nd: YAG, 分馏烧蚀二氧化碳, 和调q紫变石激光器. The fellow will have hands-on training in the full spectrum of dermatologic procedures in children of all ages.

我们的奖学金也为研究提供了保护时间, 以及对研究项目的指导. 常规教学法, 包括儿童皮肤科杂志俱乐部, 将会有全科的学生参加,并且可以根据学生的兴趣来安排. Graduates of this ABD-certified Fellowship Training Program will be eligible for 小儿皮肤病 subspecialty certification by the American Board of 皮肤病学.


电话: 410-287-8948
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项目负责人: 安妮·格罗斯伯格,M.D.

未来皮肤科学术科学家(FASID) T32计划

这个培训项目提供了一个独特的专注于转化研究的医学博士, MD-PhD and PhD trainees will be trained and mentored in clinical and basic science research projects utilizing human subjects and human skin and cells that directly translate to human skin disease.